The spring is a beautiful time at Lacawac and our other nature preserves and we encourage everyone to get outdoors this spring and take some photos of nature in bloom and coming to life. Nature photography is a powerful way to spread awareness about being good Earth stewards!
Official Contest Rules:
– Photos must have been taken at a Lacawac Sanctuary or at the Browning Beaver Meadow Sanctuary without disturbing or harming wildlife or users.
– We know our nature photographers are out capturing the beauty of every season, but limit your entries to photos taken during the spring. We encourage you to submit photos taken during 2024.
-Entries of all categories: landscapes, macro, fauna, flora, family and friends, are all allowed. Your subject can be anything as long as it is appropriate and falls under the nature category. We strongly encourage landscape and flora photos this fall.
– There is no limit on number of photo entries.
– Photos must be taken by you.
– Limit editing to basics.
– Please do not include watermarks or text on images.
– This contest is open to both professional and amateur photographers.
– Please submit high-quality versions of your images. We want to accurately showcase your talent! Submissions should be high-quality enough to print at 8 x 11 inches without degrading image quality. We suggest a minimum of 300 pixels/inch.
– By entering a photo, you allow Lacawac Sanctuary to use your image to support its mission and work. Photographers will receive proper credit if and when your photo is used by us.
How to Enter:
-The last day to enter is Friday, May 31st at 11:59 pm EST.
-In your submission, please include your name and your social media handle if you would like to be tagged.
-Email your photo to us at [email protected] and write "Spring Photo Contest" in the subject line.
Winners will receive Lacawac Merchandise and will be featured on our social media and in our newsletter.